Tuesday, March 6, 2007

This is FaithStation! (Sunday, March 4)

Sunday's third session of The 24/7 Experience found us observing the student travelers in Washington, D.C., meeting with Gary Haugen of the International Justice Mission. International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that rescues victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery, and oppression. The key word was 'justice.' Gary opened the eyes of the students to the many injustices taking place around the world. He shared God's feelings about injustice - God hates injustice! A key idea that was shared by Gary is that God chooses to use us to accomplish his will in the world. As a result of this reality, our challenge is to have hearts for justice like God. Are you willing to say to God, "I give you all that I have?" How does God using us to accomplish his will in the world change the way you view your life?
Comment on these questions by Sunday, March 18, for a chance to win Gary Haugen's book, Good News About Injustice: A Witness of Courage in a Hurting World.


Unknown said...

Knowing about all the injustice in our world makes us grateful for the things we do have that others don't, and it also helps us to realize the more serious things in life to fight for.

Unknown said...

well there r alot of thing we can do to help even if it is in ur house u dont have to go to like africa and save a whole communitie even though that would be cool most people just cant do that.and on the other hand most people r not willin to give up everything but then there r a few who trust God enuff to give up everything here is an example "So last September we were on tour with The Used in Canada, and spent a day in a small western town called Kelowna. There I met a homeless man who looked like Tom hanks from Cast Away. He said God told him to sell all that he had and move to Kelowna and live on the streets. We spent a good portion of the day together and I heard some of the most profound things come out of his mouth. I often wonder how those "dirty" people we seem to pass on the street ,and pretend don't exist, can have a far superior grasp on life and how God is wanting to integrate himself into every aspect of human life....they have no distractions! Here I am consumed by motion pictures, strip malls, and social status...and this man with nothing but a backpack to his name is teaching me the very bare bones basics to life and why we were created. In a world clouded by society and it's predispositions, a man with no distractions or goals to climb the ladders of success can truly focus all his time and energy on allowing God to renew his mind and rewire his heart. We had a day off last week in Kelowna as well and as I was driving my scooter around town, I passed Castaway on the street again. I pulled over and said hello and he remembered me from last year. I asked him how life had been and he said to me..."God has shown me that the time of believing in something we can not see is over. That is a childlike mentality, and we must mature past this spiritually. We must KNOW that God exists, and not just hope he does. The time has come for us to allow God to manifest himself in our lives in a way in which we have no choice but to know he exists. To believe in something we hope for is childish, to not believe at all in ignorance, but to believe in something we know is perfect. The root to perfect is FACT! We must know God factually exists in our lives to truly see what he is capable of doing." Although I believe there is some biblical truth to having the "faith of a child", I believe there is something to be learned by what Castaway had to say. The time for hoping and wishing is over...today is a day of knowing and doing. Wishing and hoping doesn't change anything...but an action spawned from an undeniable truth revealed to us by God himself is as effective as any weapon on earth. We must KNOW and we must put what we know into action" this is from the guitarest of underoath and he said this in a way i couldnt