Saturday, July 21, 2007

Car Wash!

Raising money for missions and for Youth EnCounter!

Bringing in the customers!

Washing a car!

Another satisfied customer!?!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Goo Games 2007!

Here are the pictures and a short video from this year's Goo Games. ENJOY!

Summer Snowball Fight!

Summer Youth Happenings

Here are some pictures from some of this summer's happenings: Brown Bag Bible Study, FaithStation, 7th Grade Welcoming Breakfast, Cookie Service Project, and the Outdoor Movie Night. ENJOY!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Youth News

Goo Games & Picnic tomorrow at the church at 3 PM. Wear clothes you can get messy and bring a towel and change of clothes!

Car Wash Fundraiser Saturday at the church from 10 AM - 4 PM. Bring towels, hoses, scrubbers, brushes, etc. Lunch will be provided! Proceeds go toward Youth EnCounter and the Youth Missions fund!

Old Rag trip is next Wednesday, July 25! Sign up in the FaithStation room.

The next Brown Bag Bible Study will be Thursday, July 26.

Sign up for YEC (August 2-3) with Stephen as soon as possible - space is limited! YEC will cost $75 this year - a reduction in price from the last several years - yay! A $25 deposit is due at sign-up! YEC is ALL-NEW this year! Come be a part of something new, different, and exciting!

L1FE Retreat - August 9-12 in New Jersey. Cost is $30. Deadline to sign-up is Sunday, July 29. Space is limited!

Make sure you check out the calendar at the bottom of the blog to keep informed about upcoming events.

Random Question of the week: What has been the best part about your summer so far?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Here is the Youth performance of Forever at the VBS Family Night Program.

IMPACT VA! Eastville

Enjoy these pictures and videos from this year's IMPACT! We had a great time in Eastville (Eastern Shore). We had 34 youth and 8 adults participate this year. The theme "Whatever" was excellent and the IMPACT staff did a great job of challenging us this year to live our lives for God in whatever we do! Enjoy!

Youth "Bowling" on our afternoon off!

Youth playing "Steal the Bacon" on our afternoon off!

Even at IMPACT there's time for "Log Tag"!

IMPACT testimonies during report-out in morning worship service.

IMPACT theme interpretation project explained.

If you have (good quality) pictures you would like to add to our yearbook, please email them to me. Thanks!