Monday, June 23, 2008

We're at IMPACT!

We're at IMPACT Virginia! this week. We're spending the week here in Bluefield. So far things are going well. I hope to post some pictures later in the week. Please keep praying for us!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Youth EnCounter (YEC)

YEC is Thursday and Friday, July 31-August 1. It is at the Richmond International Raceway again this year. There is big news - Kings Dominion has been added back to the schedule! Sign up begins this Sunday. Cost is $100 ($80 if you have a KD season pass) and includes the conference, hotel stay, a YEC T-shirt, KD pass and an all-you-can-eat dinner for Friday night at KD.

Sign up with your name and T-shirt size on the sign up sheet in the FaithStation room and turn in a $40 deposit by July 11. We will have a car wash fundraiser on July 19 to help lower costs. Click on the YEC banner above for more details about YEC!

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

VBS is July 7-11 and we need your help! VBS is a great opportunity for children to hear about Jesus and for youth to use their gifts in service! Sign up to be a worker for VBS starts this Sunday!

There will be a mandatory Youth VBS Worker Orientation at the end of FaithStation on Sunday, June 29. If you are or will be age 18 by VBS, you must complete the Protection Policy training that will be offered Sunday, June 29 at 10 AM in Whitten Hall.

We will have after-VBS lunch outings each day, with a special party celebration on Friday! More details will come soon!

Father's Day Contest

If you haven't done so yet, start thinking now about the Father's Day Contest!

These guidelines will apply:
  • Do something special with/for your dad (or other special man in your life - grandfather, uncle, etc.)
  • Take a picture with your dad during the something special you do
  • Send the picture and a brief description of what you did to me
We'll have a random drawing of all the entries received while we are at IMPACT. The winning dad and youth will both win prizes!

IMPACT Virginia! Commissioning

IMPACT commissioning will take place Sunday, June 15, during the morning worship service. Please make every effort to be a part of this special time and invite your family to share in the moment as well.