Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Girl Scout Cookies - YUM!

Here's the letter from Phil acknowledging receipt of the cookies and notes we sent him that we passed around Sunday night at FaithStation. Remember to keep praying for Phil and for David as they serve in Iraq.
16 March 2007


I received the cookies and am simply amazed at the quantity and variety. I have shared with the office team and our group and the building occupants. Many Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airman, Iraqi Nationals and Civilians are enjoying the taste of Thin Mints, Samoas, Do-si-dos and of course the “best” Girl Scout cookie the Trefoils.

I especially enjoyed the notes from all of you. As I sat on my bed last night and read each one of them I am so thankful of how God has blessed me. Zina our Iraqi interpreter has told us that a lot of Iraqis believe that Americans do no have any families. She thinks that the occupation has been good as well as bad. Good in that Iraqis have knowledge of other people in the world and bad in that it has stirred up a number of bad influences that were not in play before the war. The suppression has been lifted but a lot must be done cement a good relationship.

The many notes and packages we all receive from home reminds us all the time of the love of our families and friends.

Again Thanks to all of you and to you Lisa for your leadership with the Girls and Youth of Westwood.

God Bless,

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