Wednesday, October 3, 2007

This is FaithStation! (Sunday, September 30)

Last Sunday we watched the NOOMA DVD Store and talked about anger. I hope you have been giving thought to some of the issues that were raised in the film and discussed in our time together. To help you with further reflection, I've listed the issues below. Please read them and feel free to continue the dialogue by making a comment to this post.
  • Many people carry around with them a low-grade boiling rage.
  • Anger is your body's way of telling you that your will has been blocked.
  • The problem isn't anger; it's what we do with it.
  • Is our response to anger about us (selfish kingdom) or about something larger than us (divine kingdom)?
  • Is what we are angry about worth getting angry about?
  • Has your anger scared you?
  • Jesus' anger leads to healing and restoration (Mark 3:1-5).
  • What can we do to ensure that our anger leads to making things better?
  • What makes you angry?
  • We were made to give ourselves to a cause bigger than ourselves.
  • Have you given yourself to a cause bigger than yourself that is making the world a better place? How is it making the world a better place?

Finally, may you find encouragement in these words from Rob Bell at the end of the film:

"May you become aware of your anger. May you learn to channel it, to focus it, direct it into something beautiful. And may it fuel sacred acts of healing and restoration."

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